What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

Takethedogalong replied on 29/04/2024 20:23

Posted on 29/04/2024 20:23

My OH’s first and second cancer surgery was carried out by a military surgeon OP. He was keeping his skills up to date working in our big local hospital, fabulous person. Staff had sort of given us the heads up he was a “right, this is where we are, this is what we are going to do” no nonsense person, and it was an approach that worked well for us. 👍

milliehull replied on 29/04/2024 20:48

Posted on 29/04/2024 20:23 by Takethedogalong

My OH’s first and second cancer surgery was carried out by a military surgeon OP. He was keeping his skills up to date working in our big local hospital, fabulous person. Staff had sort of given us the heads up he was a “right, this is where we are, this is what we are going to do” no nonsense person, and it was an approach that worked well for us. 👍

Posted on 29/04/2024 20:48

When I worked at our local maternity unit our local hospital was an MOD hospital for a while and their staff were absolutely brilliant to work with. I was the clerical supervisor and their clerical staff were extrememly well trained. Their medical staff were also great, so nice to everyone, whatever their job, and more importantly they were lovely with the patients. We were all very sad when they left.

DEBSC replied on 30/04/2024 09:16

Posted on 30/04/2024 09:16

Having read these comments I’m now sure that it is mostly down to where you live. When OH needed a big op some years ago he was sent to Somerset and his treatment and the hospital were excellent. Granddaughter, on being blue lighted into Plymouth hospital was kept overnight in the ambulance, seen by a Dr and then discharged from the same ambulance, with the paramedics still with her 13 hours later, she said they were all cold out there overnight. Paramedics and a Dr at our local hospital have said they dread having to do a stint at Plymouth, with one of them describing it as ‘like a war zone’. I believe it is rated as the worst in England. The paramedics, who regularly have to attend our granddaughter for life saving treatment are always just lovely. After over two years of this she is still waiting for a specialist, the one of the list she was on retired with no one replacing him. Although I admit it’s a complex illness. 

Anyway the sun is out so hopefully off to enjoy it.


Bakers2 replied on 30/04/2024 13:00

Posted on 30/04/2024 13:00

Absolutely beautiful day here. At last! I feel I want to preserve it to revisit it when I feel the need.

The dog and I had a wonderful walk. I've dried 2 loads of washing  and now having a sandwich lunch in the garden. Meeting a friend and her dog later, prearranged, which I'm looking forward to on several levels, catching up, exploring a new to me walk and the fabulous day.

Actually I'm glad to have a plan because I can't settle to anything on the garden. I'm like a child in a sweet shop not knowing what to choose to do 🤔.

It's my employment pension pay day, not a huge amount, but I'm not complaining at all. Was shocked that it was less than last month - despite a rise. Then realised I now fall deeper into the tax bracket.  They give with one and take away with the other!

When we've needed it we've always had great care from the NHS for which I'm very grateful. But I too think it's a postcode lottery. My last routine need was for a cataract, within 3 months or so. OH has needed emergency stuff and blue lights, but I can't fault the front line operators. Listening to someone, not earwiging!, who phoned the GP in the next village wanting an appointment I was reminded of our one at the end in Essex. We had a choice, that one or the one we opted for. Boy did we jump the right way. Their philosophy is to triage call and see on the same day, and they do. Even blood tests are 24-48 hour waits. Mind you, they are building thousands, not an exaggeration -1,700 on a green field site between our village and GP surgery village.  Plus another 70 agreed in our village,on top of 70 since we moved in and at least another 20 with planning...... None have any facilities including schools....

Takethedogalong replied on 30/04/2024 13:50

Posted on 30/04/2024 13:50

Beautiful sunny day here, warm but a strong breeze. Perfect outdoor wash drying day. I have had an hour in Mum’s garden, hoping to get home and into mine soon. Had six big bales of bark delivered, along with new slabs for terrace, so fingers crossed builders can get before too long. Hope this sunshine continues, lovely to get outside.

richardandros replied on 30/04/2024 14:43

Posted on 30/04/2024 14:43

Our second day of glorious sunshine and having disposed of our greenhouse which was down the side of the house (gave it away on the basis that new owner dismantled it!), I set to, yesterday, and started to pressure wash the York stone paving slabs around the house.  They were absolutely filthy.  Managed to get about two thirds done by today but then the pressure washer blew upfrown.  Not surprised, really - had it for ages and rebuilt it a couple of times so had to buy a new one.  Car's just gone into the garage for new pads and discs (advisory at the MOT last month) - so it's going to be an expensive week!!

Wherenext replied on 30/04/2024 15:51

Posted on 30/04/2024 15:51

Bloods early on today. Despite everyone moaning in the quite full surgery about delays the nurse doing my bloods was on  time and very proficient. We had a good laugh so the day started well.

Back home to find the ladies engaged in a game of scrabble whilst waiting for washing machine to finish. Apparently it was put down as Physio work! Anyway washing soon finished and we all decamped to a Shopping Outlet, Tweedmill near St.Asaph, as MiL had found a smidgeon of a space in her packed wardrobes, plural, for more outfits. Took the wheelchair which she pushed around rather than sitting in it. Both of them seemed quite happy. Back home to a late lunch.

Not the best weather today, overcast and windy but yet to rain, so small Murphys (as I thought the saying was as a small boysmile)

moulesy replied on 30/04/2024 16:55

Posted on 30/04/2024 16:55

We are on our way up to Derbyshire for the annual Setter Rescue Sponsored Walk on Sunday. Although we're staying in a cottage (walking distance to The Packhorse at Little Longstone) next week, we decide to treat ourselves on the way up to 3 nights at a dog friendly hotel just outside of Stafford. And what a good choice we made; it's a lovely spot right alongside the Staffordshire Canal and the hotel itself has very nice grounds with a huge lake, home to a pair of nesting swans - the male is very protective and sits in the car park daring the unwary to approach!

DSB replied on 30/04/2024 18:00

Posted on 30/04/2024 18:00

Lovely sunny day here, too, but the wind is still cool.  Forecast not as good for the rest of the week.....  just in time for our Mayday caravan gettaway with friends, not far away - to Conkers C&CC site, just one junction up the M42.

The good news is we took the caravan to Tourershine in Leicester for a clean and the Tourershine coating/finish.  Caravan looks lovely and Paul did a great job.


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