MAYDAY has options that could keep breakdown costs down

One household with multiple vehicles? MAYDAY has options to keep breakdown costs down.

Standard MAYDAY cover is classified as vehicle cover, meaning the policy covers the vehicle and not the person. The main benefit of this is that the vehicle is always covered, regardless of who is driving, or even if it’s not being driven at the time (for example if you break down on a site, or at home – provided you have a level of cover that includes Homecall).

But what if you have a houseful of vehicles – say a caravan, a couple of cars and even a small campervan for those weekends away? Or what if you’ve a houseful of people, with vehicles of their own all registered at your address? It’s not just the driveway that will fill up – so could your breakdown cover bill!

So how could you avoid the costs of breakdown cover mounting up?

MAYDAY offers two low-cost ways of extending your existing breakdown cover:

Additional Vehicle Cover

You can add up to five vehicles to your existing MAYDAY policy, for just £25 per vehicle. This provides each additional vehicle with the same level of cover as the main insured vehicle if they’re registered at the same address. This could be suitable for households with multiple drivers and vehicles and could provide a saving compared to taking out separate cover for each vehicle.

Personal Cover

You can add personal cover to your existing MAYDAY policy for £32. This provides you with breakdown cover in any private vehicle you are travelling in as a driver or passenger. Your spouse or partner can also be included in the same level of cover. This could be suitable if you and your spouse or partner live at the same address and have more than one vehicle.

How do I arrange this?

If you don’t currently have MAYDAY UK Breakdown Cover, you can add these options to a new policy online or give the MAYDAY team a call on the number below.

If you already have MAYDAY cover in place, and this sounds like the perfect solution to your household breakdown needs then call the MAYDAY team on 01342 488 717

First published April 2024